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  • Abigail Williams

    Abigail Williams

    Witchcraft at Crucible 🕯️
    73 points
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    Abigail Williams
    ReplyGuy helps customers find out about your product by weaving it into conversations on Reddit and Twitter. Our AI monitors keywords and automatically posts a useful and relevant reply that mentions your product casually and naturally.
    AI that mentions your product in online convos naturally
    Abigail Williams
    Chartify generates charts and graphs from CSV files and databases using OpenAI's GPT3 model. You can ask questions about your data using natural language and get charts, and the underlying code for plotly, matplotlib, and seaborn.
    Autogenerate charts from CSVs with AI using GPT3
    Abigail Williams
    Abigail Williams
    left a comment
    cool product!! i used it to transcribe some videos i wanted to read quietly
    Transcribe any YouTube video into a searchable PDF
    Abigail Williams
    calendar.org is collection of 365 NFTs on Ethereum - one for each Gregorian Calendar day from January 1st to December 31st. The owner of the day gets the special privilege of naming the day, but that ownership is subject to the Harberger Tax.
    The NFT Calendar
    Abigail Williams
    Abigail Williams
    left a comment
    been on the waitlist for a year suhail, let me in
    Make Chrome faster and use 10x less memory
    Abigail Williams
    🌹🌹🌹 Val-o-gram 🌹🌹🌹
    💘 Generate a Valentine's Day poem about anyone based on their twitter handle.
    💌 Optionally send it anonymously via the @valogram twitter account!
    - How it works -
    🤖 Our AI uses GPT-3 to write the poem based on a profile
    Generate an AI love letter about your Twitter crush
    Abigail Williams
    Abigail Williams
    left a comment
    💌 I made this mainly to learn about GPT-3. Have fun ✨
    Generate an AI love letter about your Twitter crush
    Abigail Williams
    Find your perfect electric bike 🚴🏼‍♀️ based on filters like price 💰, speed 🏎, and cargo capacity 📦. If you're looking for a fast bike, we got you. If you need to haul groceries every week, we'll hook it up.
    eBike Match
    eBike Match
    Find your perfect electric bike
    Abigail Williams
    Abigail Williams
    left a comment
    I wanted to deploy my blog on notion, so I’ll definitely have to check this out
    No Code Pages
    Make websites on Notion without coding or designing.
    Abigail Williams
    Mixroom lets artists share unfinished music, song drafts, and cuts that didn’t make the album by emailing mixes to music@mixroom.app.
    Most artists only publish their best music, and we want to create a place for the rest the songs fans are missing out on.
    Spotify for unfinished music
    Abigail Williams
    An open source way to visualize COVID-19 growth by US city / county. Uses data from NYTimes, built in React, loads fast.
    👩🏽‍💻Try it now at https://coviz.us
    💻 Contribute at https://github.com/scottfits/cov...
    🐦Get in touch https://twitter.com/scottfits
    Visualize COVID-19 cases in different US cities and counties