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Raven is one of the products made by the team Blocksmith Labs. Our other products include Mercury, our allowlist management platform for NFTs on Solana, Ethereum, and Aptos. Bifrost, our premium NFT launchpad on Solana. SHIFT, our proprietary dynamic art engine, can generate and update NFTs based on any on-chain and off-chain oracles.

A marketing tool to hyper target web3 users.

Introducing Raven - a cutting-edge marketing tool designed specifically for the web3 community. With Raven, you can easily target and reach web3 users by setting up targeted tweet campaigns, filtering your audience based on specific criteria, and offering rewards for engagement.

A marketing tool to hyper target web3 users.

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Love this solution. Very useful when researching about something very quick. The webpage load time is a little bit annoying. Some kind of webpage pre-load solution would make this even more better.

URL Render
Browse websites without opening new tabs

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Great product! Love the analysis after the score.
On a side note, seeing PhotoFeeler throwing jabs at the competitor is hilarious:
Dating Photo Analyzer
A free AI that gets you more right swipes

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Great idea! With ad-block apps everywhere, this is definitely a viable option.
I have a couple of questions and suggestions:
1. Chrome browser is already a resource-hog. When there are multiple tabs running Inewmo, can this slow down/crash the browser?
2. How is the performance on a mobile browser? I've installed the extension on Chrome and curious about how you'd handle the opt-out option...
The user-friendly way of monetizing websites

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Interesting prototype! The tripod market definitely needs an innovation like this.
I'm not able to signup on their website. I've checked and found out that the signup API fails. Can someone notify the makers?

The most portable tripod ever for all of your devices.

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Great compilation Ahmet! I have two questions.
1. I see that you've used an iFrame. How did you manage to get past the CORS issue? Did you get permission from the individual websites to allow your domain?
2. Is there a future possibility of adding a search feature across all/few resources?

The Stocks v2
Free stock photos now with colors, icons, mockups and more