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Hey PH,
I’m Dominic, founder of Soundbrew!
Artists need around 235 streams to earn $1 on streaming platforms, so Soundbrew aims to help artists earn more from their streams through direct payments like tipping.
Artists can also credit other featured artists, producers, etc. and choose their tip splits. Whenever someone likes/tips an artist, the tip amount will be divided among credited...

Music streaming where artists earn money through tips.

Soundbrew is the best way to quickly find something to listen to. Simply choose tags like "chill" or "work", then Soundbrew will create a playlist for you.

Soundbrew Artists
Music playlist creator

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Hey PH, Dominic here, creator of Soundbrew. I first launched Soundbrew in November of 2018. Today, I re-launch with many changes and improvements.
Before, all tags were jumbled together and you could just select or search for the ones you wanted. Now, they're organized by genre, mood, activity, city, or artist. This way, you'll be able to easily find tags based off what you're in the mood...

Soundbrew Artists
Music playlist creator

Soundbrew helps you discover music from independent artists based off tags you choose. Tags could be a mood, activity, city, genre, anything!
Simply choose the tags you want, then Soundbrew will generate a playlist of music that closely match those tags.

A music playlist generator

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Hey Ph,
I’m Dominic, founder of Soundbrew. Soundbrew generates a playlist of music from independent artists based off tags you choose. The app is a great way to discover great music from artists whom you’ve never heard of before.
Let me know what you thInk! Thank you 💪🏽💪🏽

A music playlist generator

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Hey everyone,
I'm Dom Smith, founder of Sickcall. I'm a self-taught programmer currently based in Dallas, TX.
About a year ago I took my girlfriend to the E.R. for something we thought was serious, but all she ended up needing was over the counter medicine. Her bill was still over $700! Sickcall was born from this frustration! I've partnered with experienced U.S. registered nurses to answer...

Find out how serious your health concern is

Have you ever gone to the E.R. for something you thought was serious, but it ended up being nothing? With Sickcall you can find out before spending money and time on urgent healthcare services. You record your question, then a U.S. registered nurse will reply with a low, medium, or high serious level with some info based on your symptoms.

Find out how serious your health concern is