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I originally made this chrome extension because I wanted to see new posts from my social media related to something I'm interested in (e.g World Cup, Apple stock).
However, it was a pain opening and closing and refreshing tabs constantly. So I built this extension in order to help with that.
Hope some folks will find it useful. Feedback super welcome. Feel free to reach out to @sum11ren on...

Search easily across all your social-media

Parsr is a combined note and calculator app. Our calculator can parse text such as 2 times 4 plus 3, into a value. Can be used as a quick calculator, for reminder notes. Notes can be shared publicly, or kept privately. Check us out!

A note and calculator app. We parse your text into numbers.

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Hey! Feel free to contact me personally at! Always looking forward to any feedback (if very negative ones!).

A note and calculator app. We parse your text into numbers.