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EOW 56: The Art Of The Product Launch w/John Lee Dumas (Interview)
John on his massive book launch successes.

EOW55: Getting Major Publishers To Feature You (20 Proven Tips) w/Kerry Jones of Fractl
Actionable: craft a pitch that gets writers to notice you!

Dan Shure
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Some things talked about in this episode:
- a 7-step process for 250,000+ monthly visits growth
- what people are getting wrong with the Skyscraper Technique
- the myths of 10x content
- the qualities of rank-worthy content
- link acquisition stratwgies

EOW54: Ross Hudgens On 7 Steps To Massive Traffic Growth (Content & SEO)
250,000+ Monthly visits for clients like Zillow, TripAdvisor

EOW54: Ross Hudgens On 7 Steps To Massive Traffic Growth (Content & SEO)
250,000+ Monthly visits for clients like Zillow, TripAdvisor

Experts on the Wire: The Unconventional Truths Of Growth w/Corbett Barr (Fizzle)
Lots of 'ah ha' moments on influencers, frameworks, growth!

Dan Shure
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Pamela brings a unique and refreshing approach to copy. She was first a designer, and then a self-made copywriter who is now Executive VP of Educational Content at Rainmaker (Copyblogger). Because of her unorthodox path into learning copy, she breaks it down with lots of great actionable advise.

Experts On The Wire - Copywriting: From Unbearable To Unstoppable
Pamela Wilson of Copyblogger helps save you from bad copy!

Experts On The Wire - Copywriting: From Unbearable To Unstoppable
Pamela Wilson of Copyblogger helps save you from bad copy!

Dan Shure
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Hey all! Dan here, host of Experts. If you want some really actionable stuff, at about 39:50 we run through a bunch of different types of pages (eCommerce, service, home pages) and Peep lays out common mistakes and things you can do to make them better.

Experts On The Wire #043 - Peep Laja
Fixing money leaks, rapid blog growth, actionable CRO tips

Experts On The Wire #043 - Peep Laja
Fixing money leaks, rapid blog growth, actionable CRO tips

Dan Shure
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Hi all. Host of this podcast here. You may remember the "Perceptions of Perfection" piece ( that went crazy a little while ago. That was the work of Fractl, the company from which my guest is Associate Marketing Directer.
Kerry walks us through their proven process that has earned clients hundreds of press mentions, links and...

A Content Marketing Process For Massive Press Distribution - Experts On The Wire #37
How Fractl got 300+ press mentions from one piece of content

A Content Marketing Process For Massive Press Distribution - Experts On The Wire #37
How Fractl got 300+ press mentions from one piece of content

Dan Shure
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Hey All - Host of this episode here. I'm not usually one to self-submit, but thought the PH crowd may find this episode of particular interest.
I was impressed with Sam's story of the hard choices made while leading Inbound's team and helping them grow users 5X, I had to get him on the show.
Sam talks about focus, the secret of Inbound microcopy style, why they had to ignore early adopters...

Experts On The Wire - Growth Lessons From's Sam Mallikarjunan
Ignoring early adopters, statistical significance & more!

Experts On The Wire - Growth Lessons From's Sam Mallikarjunan
Ignoring early adopters, statistical significance & more!

Dan Shure
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I have been using Hear for 3 years - it allows you to mix the different sound sources, but also add EQ and sound enhancements to everything (ie: Spotify, which weirdly has no built in EQ for desktop).

Background Music
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