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Automated pre-screening & video interviewing toolkit

The Road Less Traveled
A book about life, love and spiritual growth.

Daren Fuchs
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Love it. Fresh app icon too! Would be great if users could create groups.

The fastest ever way to see your friends LIVE

Daren Fuchs
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Looks great! The battle begins... Sunrise vs Google Calendar.

Google Calendar
Spend less time managing your day, now on iOS

Daren Fuchs
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Nice move by Snapchat.

Snapchat Discover
Discover is a new way to explore Stories from editorial orgs

Daren Fuchs
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@mattyza is a maker at WooCommerce :)

The most customizable eCommerce platform, built on WordPress

WooCommerce is an open-source, fully customizable eCommerce platform built on WordPress - perfect for those who love to tinker, innovate and do-it-themselves.
Flexible, community-driven, modular and customizable - with hundreds of extensions and integrations available in the marketplace - WooCommerce is for open eCommerce.

The most customizable eCommerce platform, built on WordPress

Daren Fuchs
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Finally! :)

Product Hunt for iOS
The best new products, every day, in your pocket
Airbnb for long-term renting

Daren Fuchs
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Aah. Reminds me of my first cell phone - Nokia 6110

Snake for Nokia
Classic arcade game, pre-loaded on most Nokia phones in '98

Daren Fuchs
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Wow. Blast from the past!

Kazaa Lite
P2P filesharing for when we got in trouble for using Napster

Daren Fuchs
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@jeremylv Been using Sunrise for a while now - found out about it here when the iOS app launched and absolutely love it.
Have two issues:
1 . The inability of an invitee to remove an event from a day. Will this feature be addressed?
2. Preferences - they don't seem to be synced or saved on devices. Whenever my iMac/MacBook Air restarts I have to set my preferences again.
Both really...

Sunrise for Mac
Mac app for the awesome Sunrise calendar

Daren Fuchs
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Ditto @brackin. One of my first installs on any new Mac I use.

Keep your Mac from going to sleep

Daren Fuchs
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@syedaliahmed thanks for the heads up. Traffic overload on server. Working on getting it back up :)

Product Punch
Mash up tech products with new contexts

Daren Fuchs
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I'm sure! Hopefully users will be creative and come up with original concepts. Add one :)

Product Punch
Mash up tech products with new contexts

Daren Fuchs
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Simple idea, inspired by this very site. Always hearing about the 'Uber for' this and the 'Airbnb for' that, so we decided to build a platform to share and rate these ideas.

Product Punch
Mash up tech products with new contexts