flip is a new, seamless way to capture video on mobile. All you need to do to capture a short, engaging video is hold down a button. There's no review, just hold and the video is instantly uploaded and shared with your friends on flip.
Made entirely by a 16 y/o.

Authstatus is a free, easy to use status page you can setup in minutes.
Features include uptime monitoring, latency tracking (ms) and incident reporting.
Made by a 15y/o.

Printed ur Tweet is a bot that prints whatever you tweet with #PrintMyTweet.
The bot uses the Twitter Stream API to get new tweets. It then prints them, takes a photo, and sends it back to the original tweeter.
Made by a 15y/o.

Rapid allows you to have multiple conversations all from one page, and better yet, you can see what your friend is typing: live. I made this with 2 other people, Noah and Harry. I programmed and designed everything (and I'm 15 👋), Noah does Support and Harry works on marketing.