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Dave Young
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I've had the pleasure of checking out Nowhere several times. As a developer and community founder, I was impressed by the ease of use and feature quality in general for a web-based app. No easy feat! The sound and video (for pinned videos) was fantastic. Kudos to the team!
Video chat friends, fans & colleagues in beautiful 3D worlds

Dave Young
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I had mapped out building a SAAS MVP to see when I’d be able to launch. It was a painful and long list of pieces I’d need to build and integrate and test. I like Stack Overflow as much as the next engineer but I’d rather save it for the juicy stuff! Then I found Gravity. I knew from my own task mapping how valuable it was and how much time it’d save me. Instant buy. I’ve used it to build 4...
Gravity 8
Build a SaaS app at warp speed with a Javascript boilerplate

Dave Young
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Excellent! Met some top notch quality folks via Indie Worldwide, looking forward to this
Founders' Club
Meet top indie founders around the world.

Dave Young
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I think this is so useful because it gives people who need it a constant stream of conscious thinking they can tap into and be reminded of! Great work
Diversity Decoded
Refactor your tech team for diversity.

Have an idea and need to figure out if it's viable? Learn how to setup a model in Sheets, find your profit, revenue, acquisition costs, hiring needs. I've used this process to do several startups, including one which turned a $40k seed into well over $1M USD.

Startup Modeling for Founders
Get your numbers straight and validate before you build

Dave Young
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Hey Founders and Future Founders!
One of the things I've picked up on as a repeat founder is what I call startup modeling. It's kind of like business validation, with a wider focus.. to make sure your idea will also be capable of meeting your own needs!
Ever have an 'awesome' business idea and need to get it into a spreadsheet to figure out if it's viable? Want a magic crystal ball to learn...

Startup Modeling for Founders
Get your numbers straight and validate before you build

Dave Young
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Has saved me months of work!
Pros: Rapid development, beautiful code examples and killer support. Everything worked "out of the box" and has been easy to build on top of
Cons: No cons! I have not found a better alternative for a boilerplate with node.js, Stripe, MailGun, MySQL, account mgmt, dashboard, and sweet UI
Build a SaaS web application at warp speed

Dave Young
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Regular listener of the podcast. When Voice Insider launched, I stopped what I was doing to sign up. It's critical to keep tabs, and if you care about the industry this is a no-brainer.
Pros: This is THE best news and information resource on the voice first industry!
Cons: Can't think of any cons!

Voice Insider
Weekly insights on the voice AI industry