David Frankle

David Frankle

Entrepreneur and Harvard graduate.
55 points
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David Frankle
David Frankle
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Pitch a movie to yourfriends with this Cards Against Humanity-style game

A game for people who will never make it in Hollywood. Come up with the best movie idea. Players select cards to form a synopsis. Each round, one player is the "Studio Head," others pitch movies. Studio Head picks their favorite. Player with the most greenlights wins. https://www.producthunt.com/posts/greenlight-6
David Frankle
Come up with the best movie idea. Players select cards to form a synopsis. Each round, one player is the "Studio Head," others pitch movies. Studio Head picks their favorite. Player with the most greenlights wins.
A game for people who will never make it in Hollywood.
David Frankle
Supercharge your social media experience with AI-powered replies from Hacksocial.ai! Engage your audience, grow your network faster, and never face writer's block again. Transform your interactions online with our user-friendly extension.
AI-assisted replies for social growth
David Frankle
Discover Clout Check by Hacksocial.ai - a tool to gauge your social media influence on Twitter & LinkedIn. Track your online presence, compare with others, and boost your digital impact. Unlock your full potential with Clout Check today!
Clout Check by hacksocial.ai
Clout Check by hacksocial.ai
How influential are you on social media?
David Frankle
David Frankle
started a discussion

My predictions about how AI will change various things, in no particular order:

The end of tedious work? A cat and mouse game between content and filters? My predictions about how AI will change various things, in no particular order: In Business: 1. Companies will be able to fill out complex forms very quickly. This will lead to more competition in things like grants, government contracts, subsidies, licenses, permits. How it will work: On the applicant side, companies...
David Frankle
David Frankle
started a discussion

What is our responsibility as creators towards our creations?

I've begun thinking about all the recent developments in AI like a parent looking at their child's growth. What is a parent to do when their child amasses intelligence that they never dreamed of possessing?
David Frankle
David Frankle
started a discussion

Ask OpenAI app developers: How are you thinking about payments?

Have you considered usage-based payments? What's stopping you from implementing usage-based payments? I believe a small fixed fee + usage-based billing is the best way to handle payments for OpenAI apps. This way your users are less likely to churn because of a large monthly subscription. They'll pay for instance $5/month + usage. You'd need some metering on OpenAI calls. I'd suggest...