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  • Preet Arjun Singh

    Preet Arjun Singh

    Founder, DesignX.Community
    64 points
    All activity
    Preet Arjun Singh
    Preet Arjun Singh
    started a discussion

    Growth hacks for Web3 products?

    Hi folks! We've built a free to use, chrome extension for tracking crypto tokens with seamless experience: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/daily-crypto/ofhgdipkcpfmdndkjbhkejkgalmlomei?hl=en&authuser=5 Are there platforms/communities we can target for crypto traders, who would find it helpful?
    Preet Arjun Singh
    Preet Arjun Singh
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch! Quite exciting!
    Newsletter Glue 2.0
    Newsletter Glue 2.0
    Write newsletters the way you already blog on WordPress
    Preet Arjun Singh
    Preet Arjun Singh
    left a comment
    Incredible community initiative as always! Love the work you both are doing!
    UX Challenges
    UX Challenges
    For UX designers to learn and practice crucial skills
    Preet Arjun Singh
    A curated list of (mostly virtual) design conferences including dates, city of origin, pricing and more - so you don't have to manually search for the good ones. Design meetups to be added soon.
    A Curated Directory of (Virtual) Design Conferences
    Preet Arjun Singh
    Preet Arjun Singh
    started a discussion

    What are some of the most active freelancer communities?

    Hi folks, I'm organizing a virtual conference on side projects and freelancing: 5to9 (you know things post your 9 to 5) https://5to9.co I want to connect with some communities of freelancers and sidepreneurs for collaboration and for a showcase of side projects! What are some that come to mind?