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Free text to speech
Create new sounds you want You can create new voices at will by adjusting the speed and pitch, such as male voice, female voice, narration, etc. for the commentary of major short video explanations, such as TikTok, YouTube, Instgram.

Text To Audio—TTS & MP3_WAV
TTS & MP3_WAV, text to audio

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A small tool, welcome to try
TokDown - Tiktok Downloader
Tiktok Downloader

Download and save videos without watermark from Tiktok for free.
TokDown - Tiktok Downloader
Tiktok Downloader

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In the future, we will add dynamic QR code, QR code beautification function, and add a desktop to start the scanning program.

QrCodePro is a two-dimensional code generation tool

QrCodePro is a two-dimensional code generation tool, two-dimensional code recognition artifact, supports copying and identifying two-dimensional code content, scanning two-dimensional code, identifying and extracting valid information

QrCodePro is a two-dimensional code generation tool