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  • Frank


    How to describe human in 60 characters?
    16 points


    I've got about a million hobbies and interests, but suffice it to say I've been a techie since I was a kid. I'm equally fascinated by the ways technology can enrich our lives, and the ways our lives can be enriched by putting the technology down to immerse ourselves in the world around us. In a nod to these opposing ideas, I've built an app that I'm super-proud of. In a way, it kind of bridges the gap between these two worlds. My hope is to make a small impact while I'm here, and do my part to help nudge people towards healthier, more balanced relationships with their bodies and minds.


    Founder at Ditabo Fitness & Mindfulness


    Bright Idea 💡
    Bright Idea 💡
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking 5
    Gone streaking 5