Dorian Marié

Dorian Marié

Developer at thoughtbot
13 points
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Dorian Marié
Dorian Marié
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Hey, what do you think? :) How is it going?
ChatGPT by SMS for Free (for now)
Dorian Marié
Interact with ChatGPT by SMS for Free (for now) with your phone (I guess computer could work too with for instance)
ChatGPT by SMS for Free (for now)
Dorian Marié
Dorian Marié
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ChatGPT by sms for free
Dennis Aronov
If you had one sentence to pitch your product, what would it be?
Dennis Aronov
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Dorian Marié
Fetch information from the internet (Hacker News, Twitter, Stack Exchange, Reddit, more coming), filter it (with a programming language or not), format it (default formatting or with a templating language), send it (by email, or email digests for now, more coming).
Fetch information, filter it, format it, send it