Doug Hudiburg

Doug Hudiburg

The Product Coach
40 points


I am a product coach with 30+ years experience helping pre-growth products achieve their fullest potential. My passion is helping great products reach their highest potential through product management best practices -- and I know what it takes to deliver success. I've boiled key elements of the product journey down to a standard set of 37 'growth requirements.' I didn't make them up. These are known best practices that successful founders, product owners, and product managers know from experience. I've just made them accessible, clear, and simple. These growth requirements guide everything I do with my coaching clients. If you want to explore how I can help you achieve the full potential of your product, click the link below.


Tastemaker 10
Tastemaker 10
Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
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