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Dmytro Platov
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Interactive circle of fifth(circle of fourth).
You can choose key and scale(mode) which you needed to build you melody.
App support both sharp and flat keys, in case there is available both you can choose from it.
For you convenience app build proper chords for you.
You can play chord in built-in player just by hitting proper chord button.
HINT: You can play arpeggio by pressing and holding...

Candy Chords - Circle of Fifth
Interactive circle of fifth

Interactive circle of fifth(circle of fourth) with built-in player

Candy Chords - Circle of Fifth
Interactive circle of fifth

Dmytro Platov
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iPhone camera have functionality to detect QR encoded url but in real workld still places that contain url just in plain text.
I’ll be glad to receive your feedback and suggestions so feel free to write here or to my email

Link Detector - Smart Scanner
Allows you to find links, phones and emails in real world

Link Detector allows you to find urls, emails and phone number in real world.

Link Detector - Smart Scanner
Allows you to find links, phones and emails in real world