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Elisa Jo Harkness
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The full force of the Maybe Capital Board (Game) Meeting is an epic journey that can take a group of players from Stanford Business School to riches in the course of an evening. The game play moves through a hilarious satire of startup jargon and $6 pour-overs, but the core of the experience is the pitch round, where each player draws two cards and does their best to pitch their pet find to the...

Maybe Capital
Venture capital as a service!

Elisa Jo Harkness
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Love Flybrix! Aside from the coolness factor of Legos, why did you guys choose these as a material?

A crash-friendly, rebuildable drone made from Lego bricks

Elisa Jo Harkness
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I was lucky enough to get to test the Hardbound beta, and spend some time talking to Nathan about the possible directions in which the platform can grow.
The UX is pretty delightful - as the founders have described it, it's a bit like a self-paced video, where your taps and gestures determine the speed of "play," but the result of that play is a mixture of transitions in the text and images...
Stories for curious minds

Elisa Jo Harkness
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Having used the mac app, I'm so excited this is finally released on iOS. Writing on mobile really exacerbates all my writerly anxieties, so I'm thrilled to have something designed to push me through them. I'm also made about 96Problems' "try before you buy" model, which gets around all the worst things about the app store just beautifully - I wish more app developers would follow their lead!

Rough Draft for iPhone & iPad
The worst text editor -- because it doesn't let you edit

Elisa Jo Harkness
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This is awesome! I love that you've pre-loaded the app with a few free audiobooks from Librivox and a couple podcasts. But how do we add our own? I like @playswithfood's suggestion about New Yorker fiction (definitely something that could put me to sleep) and I really want to try out @benwtnb's "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" (though that will probably be too stimulating to sleep...
A "snooze" timer to fall asleep with audiobooks & podcasts

Elisa Jo Harkness
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It's kind of amazing that they'll charge you $10 for a breakup text. This is already the generally-accepted lowest form of severing a personal relationship. People will pay money to stoop even lower?
Beyond just the ethical qualms this obviously triggers, there are practical ones: if you received a letter or text from this service, would you be likely to believe it? I'd like to see data about...

The Breakup Shop
Outsource your breakup

Elisa Jo Harkness
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@photoguides @alexeckermann, Can you tell us about your product?
I've been watching Tablo from the sidelines for a few months now. Ebook self-publishing is a complicated space, and I think they're the clear frontrunner in terms of both design and community - @matt_sven, "A more refined Wattpad" is not a bad way of summing it up, and as a writer that refinement makes a huge difference. As a...

Apple Music for books

Elisa Jo Harkness
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Just saw you guys pitch at the Accelerprise 3 demo day. Congrats! One thing that was in your pitch that would be helpful here is a view of the dashboard. Visualizing your value prop there re: a simple editor and version management is really powerful.
This is definitely a huge space that startups are just starting to figure out how to tackle. I think we'll be seeing a lot more entrants here in...

Securely power clickwrap agreements at scale

Elisa Jo Harkness
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@pkay225 Neat app! Questions:
1) Where do you pull the data from? Lots of books have different covers etc, do you ever end up with side-by-side comparisons for dif covers/the same title?
2) Do you have any plans to share your data with others? (:
3) Do you take into account books a user has already read? Started but not made it through? Is there any way to take into account current mood vs...

Tinder for books

Elisa Jo Harkness
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This would be a super sweet app to partner with a startup like @highlytm - @covrter what do you think about 'Highlight to #quote on Instagram'?

Turn your words into artistic designs for social media

Elisa Jo Harkness
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@teamreboot, Can you explain a bit more about your value prop, especially re: 'distributed properties'? It's not clear to me from your landing page what the solution you're offering is, but you're definitely invoking something that tugs at a problem I recognize.

RebelMouse 2.0
The publishing platform for distributed properties

Elisa Jo Harkness
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This is awesome! @mrkuok @tazumee, can you tell us about how BandLab came to be? Does the app support real-time collaboration? How do you deal with version control?

Capture, nurture, and collaborate on song ideas in the cloud

Elisa Jo Harkness
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Is someone going to explain this?

Social media stock sentiment analysis dashboard

Elisa Jo Harkness
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Congrats to our team on this! I think the report is really on-point, especially in the analysis of how Network Economy superstars (Netflix, Airbnb, Uber) leverage four 'super powers':
- Magnetic Enterprise: the company exploits and monetizes micro points of value;
- Intimate Enterprise: the company knows its clients and engages with them in such a way so as to give the impression they are...

GAFAnomics Season 2
4 superpowers to outperform in the new economy

Elisa Jo Harkness
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More than half of ‘Unicorn’ startups valued at or over $1B have found their success by building and scaling on the scaffolding that GAFA companies - Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon - have built.
Last year, Fabernovel released the study GAFAnomics: New Economy, New Rules, detailing how Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon – GAFA – were fundamentally reshaping business strategy for the...

GAFAnomics: New Economy, New Rules
The key success factors of Google, Apple, Facebook & Amazon

GAFAnomics Season 2
4 superpowers to outperform in the new economy

Elisa Jo Harkness
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@bentossell doesn't Fieldbook get a gold star on the listing for giving PHers access to the private beta?

Create a database, as easily as a spreadsheet

Elisa Jo Harkness
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Is PH turning into a list of lists of lists?

The Stacks
A collection of PH's most popular curated lists.

Elisa Jo Harkness
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@charlottecramer Please expand to San Francisco.

Buy useful items for homeless people