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Elizabeth McIntire
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Heck yes. Football season, I've missed you. Congrats on the launch @jerlevine!

Draft 2.0
Fantasy sports finally built for mobile

SURKUS Is A Mobile ‘CrowdCasting’ App That Pays You To Play!

Elizabeth McIntire
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I would find this most useful.

Reach your customers with physical postcards

Elizabeth McIntire
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"Should I sprint down the street to catch that bus? No, the next one is coming in 5 minutes."
"What bus lines run through Melrose and Western? The 10, 207, and 757. The 14 is close, and the 4 is close too."
If you're going to take public transit in Los Angeles (or anywhere, really), NextBus is a lifesaver.
NextBus + Uber/Lyft = carless in Los Angeles.

When is the next bus coming? Find it, anywhere.

When is the next bus coming? Find it, anywhere.