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Emmanuel Lemor
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Give it 1/2 year to 1.5 years and Salesforce will manage to ruin another product which already needs some work [yes Slack is pretty nice but there's definite room for improvement still]

Be less busy. Real-time messaging, archiving & search.

Emmanuel Lemor
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Started using it a few weeks ago... it's honestly a god send [can't believe it's the only solution out there of its type]...
And the beauty of it is that it's reasonably priced, the team is responsive and it just works!
Can't wait for the future of TypeDesk!
A shortcut to all your canned responses

Emmanuel Lemor
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Look great... and has great potential but it gets extremely pricey very quickly... ;(
VIDEOASK by Typeform
A ridiculously simple way to get feedback

Emmanuel Lemor
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Also, 1 thing that is a bit annoying about the use of Fluently:
you type some text, then have to choose Translate into - if I am a user coming to Fluently for the Translation aspect [which is what you are about, right? :) ] it would be good if there was a Translation mode or a choice to the interface so that it would remember and present the interface with the 2 panels right away.
Fluently Beta
Write fluently in any language

Emmanuel Lemor
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How surprising/disappointing that everyone is going crazy over this...
A couple of interesting features for sure... but making a big deal of the screener which has existed for like 10 years is a bit much - also not having access to the things most of us need like size/dates/times etc etc using up so much vertical screen space for a single line/email = UX disaster
The interface tries to do...

Email at its best, new from Basecamp

Emmanuel Lemor
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Would love to be able to buy one but never received reply on that topic ?
Ultra portable USB-C hub & stand for MacBook Pro

Emmanuel Lemor
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Is this project defunct or alive? goes to a CentOS default page but appears live still - what to think? :/

Super simple, live data dashboard.