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Evan Moore
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PhoneTag lets you send and receive disappearing voice messages to friends with fun voice filters and effects. Currently only available on iOS and targeted towards those looking for an asynchronous way to communicate with friends that is more enjoyable, expressive, and private than SMS.
Would love any and all feedback...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 27th of April)
Aaron O'Leary
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Evan Moore
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This is great! Would love to try it out once it’s on iOS. The rev shares are shit (like 1%) but if you can drive new customers you could generate decent revenue by making the recipes shoppable via online grocery. There are several aggregator services / apis for making recipes shoppable like Whisk, Chicory, and Myxx - not sure if you’ve already explored that. A lot more people are cooking at...

All in one recipe manager

With the launch of NBCUniversal Checkout now retailers big and small can drive commerce through NBC content across all digital channels including on the web with shoppable videos and articles, through social, and ShoppableTV.

NBCUniversal Checkout
Reach NBC's audience with shoppable tv, videos, and articles

Evan Moore
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This is a great idea - the greeting card industry is bloated and lazy with incredible margins (my first job ever was at American Greetings so I can speak from some experience). However I gotta agree with the above challenge that the $30 minimum purchase amount is steep. If you could deliver greeting cards that are 10x better than those at the store (beautiful, niche, highly customized, etc),...
Real cards designed by real artists, delivered to your door

Evan Moore
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Later this year we'll be launching NBCUniversal Checkout as a way of furthering NBC's efforts to create impactful commerce experiences for retail partners with NBC's massive and valuable audience. I've been working on this with my team at NBC the last year and couldn't be more excited to roll it. out with our first retail and network partners this June.

NBCUniversal Checkout
Reach NBC's audience with shoppable tv, videos, and articles

Evan Moore
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Haha this is great, love retro UIs!

A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs

Evan Moore
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Super timely service to be offering! Any information around pricing / engagement structure?

Hire, pay, and give great benefits to your distributed team.

Evan Moore
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Beautiful product and fantastic value prop, will definitely consider for my next project.
Avodocs 2.0
Free legal documents for startups

PhoneTag is a new fun messaging service and social game that enables you to instantly send disappearing voice messages with funny voice filters including autotune to friends and family.

Send disappearing voice messages to friends.

Evan Moore
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Great stuff! Just duplicated to my Figma account. Thanks for creating it!
Contra Wireframe Kit
Open source wireframe kit for design and prototyping 🚀

Evan Moore
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Hi Everybody - Really excited to launch my first product on Product Hunt. Have been a long time lurker / commenter and have learned a lot from the community. Hope some of you take the chance to try PhoneTag out and start a socially distant game of tag!
With PhoneTag you can:
- Send and receive disappearing voice messages (called "tags") to any of your contacts.
- Record an outgoing greeting...

Send disappearing voice messages to friends.

Evan Moore
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Any plans for an API? Would be interest to become the Twilio of physical mail!

Send mail from your computer

Evan Moore
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Really timely and powerful product and promotion. How does gift card redemption integrate with existing POS and e-com platforms? Is there an integration step? It’s not clear from the site.

Paneau Gift Cards
A free gift card platform for small businesses

Evan Moore
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Really cool platform - I love everything going on in this space (substack, gumroad, patreon, creator economy, etc). Big fan of your site aesthetic too.
Question - does the platform support metered free use? Like on nytimes where a give user can read x number of pages over a period of time before hitting a paywall?
Good stuff!
Memberships for independent media

Evan Moore
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This is amazing! I find myself crawling Dribbble constantly looking for stuff like this or downloading a bunch of apps and signing up just to see onboarding flows etc. I've bookmarked the site and will definitely use it going forward.
In terms of monetization the other thing I'm always looking for are Figma templates for screens. Perhaps you could also create a marketplace with templates...
UI Sources 2.0
Mobile design patterns & interactions

Evan Moore
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Happy Monday morning everyone!
I'm hoping to launch my iOS app PhoneTag on Product Hunt in the next week or so and would love any and all feedback on the beta. The app can be downloaded here:
With PhoneTag you can send disappearing voice messages to friends and family for free in a socially distant game of tag. Its targeted...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 13th of April)
Aaron O'Leary
Join the discussion

Evan Moore
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Just downloaded and played around with it a bit. As an avid traveler it was a lot of fun to fill out my passport and the “hidden gems” were all places I hadn’t heard of. But there wasn’t a lot of content describing what was great about those gems - would be great to see little mini itineraries or some hotspots to visit at the gems. Good stuff!

Discover hidden destinations to wander off the beaten path

Evan Moore
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This is great! I've got a prototype that I've built in Figma that I'm going to port over and use with this.
Figma Importer for Framer Web
Seamlessly import Figma designs into Framer Web

Evan Moore
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This is really really compelling. I can see a lot of applications here - especially in the customer success space. In my current role we are building a platform that has an onboarding process that can be a bit imposing and requires some hand holding. I could see us using Drift to record our onboarding sessions with clients and then providing them with an annotated version of the session that...
Drift Video for Zoom
Turn Zoom recordings into trackable video content