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Hey everyone! 👋 I'm the developer of, and I'm so excited to finally release it to the public! 🎉
I've been working on this project for a while now, because it's something that I've always wanted for myself. 💻 I'm a busy person, and I hate having to spend so much time reading through my emails. ⏳ solves that problem by automatically summarising my emails for me....
Get email summaries in seconds, no extensions required

Introducing Your time-saving AI email summary service. Just forward an email to us and get concise summaries in seconds, no extensions required! Stay informed and organized effortlessly, maximizing your efficiency.
Get email summaries in seconds, no extensions required

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Sometimes services you need go down, and you are left to scroll thru status pages half-asleep on a sunday morning. "But, what if I could automate it?" has been a question asked by many, but overall most don't bother due to the complexity of writing scrapers. That changes now, as with Statty, getting the status of needed services is as easy as a GET request.
With a sizable amount of services...

Get the status of various services

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If you've ever made something that has had a problem with phishing attempts, you know the frustration that it can cause. You may even have thought of creating your own database, but then realised the amount of work needed.
Thankfully, this API takes care of it for you. With more than 309k known phishing domains in the database (that refreshes every 2 hours), it can identify almost all phishing...

Check links to see if they're known phishing attempts

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Hey hey
I was loaning money out to a few people and then I realized, I keep forgetting when the loan is due, or if they even paid. To combat this, I started writing into a notebook, but that is not the coder way! So I decided to spend a few months making this app for everyone to enjoy and keep track of loans.
It features a beautiful UI, iCloud sync, Biometric security and a few fun...

Track loans simply and elegantly

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A really useful app for keeping track of everything, thanks for making this!

Track your subscriptions and never miss a due date.