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Fikry Fatullah
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Woa, Congratulation for the launch!
Integrately (Zapier Alternative)
8 million+ ready automations for 500+ apps

A weekly newsletter that analyses and gives a summary of the top 10 and trending physical and e-commerce products from around the world. Gain product inspiration, understand offers that worked, or generate content ideas - all it takes is just a 10-minute read.
Trending Duck
Get data driven trends of top physical/ecom products, weekly

Magic Opt-in is an easy way of confirming subscriber's emails while clicking any link that you choose on the email. You don't need to send a separate email specifically for subscriber's confirmation; they will be confirmed after clicking on the assigned link.
Magic opt-in for Email Marketing
Confirm your email subscribers with any link

Fikry Fatullah
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Hi fellow Hunters!
First of all, thank you @adithya for hunting us.
KIRIM.EMAIL is an email marketing service, trusted by more than 20,000 businesses.
Now we’re launching a new feature called: Magic Opt-In to help you build a better email list with a simpler process.
You can get the convenience of Single Opt-in and the quality of Double Opt-in at the same time.
Magic opt-in is a method to...
Magic opt-in for Email Marketing
Confirm your email subscribers with any link

Setup giveaways, sweepstakes, and product launches in minutes. Viral feature by KIRIM.EMAIL allows you to create viral campaigns and contests to multiply your email subscribers, quickly and easily, without any website.
Viral Campaign Generator
Create viral campaign and contest to grow your list fast

Fikry Fatullah
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Hi, fellow hunters.
The last few months, we have launched the Zombie Email Removal feature:
And Google Sheets Email Marketing:
And it's going pretty well.
And now, we introduce you to the viral feature.
Here is how Viral feature can help you to grow your...
Viral Campaign Generator
Create viral campaign and contest to grow your list fast

Fikry Fatullah
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Hi Hunters!
First of tall, thank you, @chrismessina, for hunting us.
We've built email marketing for Google Sheets to facilitate large or small teams managing email subscribers with Google Sheets.
All you have to do is: Set up which Google Sheets file you want to integrate into email automation in KIRIM.EMAIL.
And after that, any new email address in your Google Sheets will get validated...
Google Sheets Email Marketing
Email automation and validations directly from Google Sheets

Perhaps you're working in a large team that needs to manages the email subscribers in Google Sheets.
Or maybe you like to take advantage of Google Sheets features to manage your email subscribers?
Then this one is for you.
Google Sheets Email Marketing
Email automation and validations directly from Google Sheets

Fikry Fatullah
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Woa, the samples sounds promising!
Build Your Audience With Podcasts From WordPress Articles

Fikry Fatullah
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Great approach to sound recording!

Audio Hijack 3
Record any audio on your Mac.

Fikry Fatullah
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Looks good.
MVP Experiment Canvas
A practical framework to build and launch effective MVP's

Fikry Fatullah
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Hello Hunters!
There is an army of zombies infesting your email list and blowing up your email marketing cost.
These zombies will never open your email, never buy anything that you offer on the email, never click a link. And yet, they still there.
That's why we built KIRIM.EMAIL with built-in email validations (powered by Zerobounce) and Zombie Email Removal, so you don't have to maintain...
Zombie Email Removal
Email marketing with built-in email validations

Stop paying separately for email marketing + email validation services, and cut your marketing bills instantly.
Zombie Email Removal
Email marketing with built-in email validations

Fikry Fatullah
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Greetings Hunters
Thank you, @nile for the hunt.
You can use Kirim Email free for the first month using coupon code: PRODUCTHUNT.
A brief history of KIRIM.EMAIL and why it's the soulmate of your Facebook Ad campaigns.
From the early days, KIRIM.EMAIL is focused on helping Facebook Advertiser as our primary customer segment. At first, it is not our best intention. At that time, using a...

Kirim Email
Email marketing with build-in email validations

Remote-how Academy is the first global education and certification program about remote work, curated by top global experts and practitioners. It can be accessed online, anytime and anywhere.


Forward your email campaign to your Multiple Telegram Channels with just a few clicks. No need copy paste!
You can choose to format your email natively to Telegram chat bubble, or to forward it as it is in your email.
You also can edit, restructure the paragraph, event adding a new message before forwarding your email to Telegram.
Email Marketing to Telegram Channel
Broadcast Your Email Campaign to Multiple Telegram Channels