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Filip Jakobsen
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I am currently trying to dust off my French skills, and one of the things I find exceedingly difficult is remembering the — to me, not being a native French speaker — seemingly arbitrary grammatical genders of nouns (I know the same is true for Danish, which I speak fluently, but with neuter gender and common gender instead of male and female gender). And since so much grammar depends on the...

Learn and remember the grammatical genders of French nouns

Using human-reviewed AI to generate images, stories and narration, this site helps you learn and remember the gender of French nouns through short, memorable stories with an accompanying visual.

Learn and remember the grammatical genders of French nouns

Reverse Type Scale lets you find typographic scales that match the fonts sizes used in your design. Enter the font sizes used in your design to see proposed type scales. Review proposed scales, or adjust the ratio slider to visually compare to your font sizes.
Reverse Type Scale
Find a type scale based on the font sizes you used

Filip Jakobsen
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I like using type scales for my designs, but usually start out by choosing font sizes more intuitively while working through the design. I then like to go through the font sizes and tweak them to fit a type scale precisely where possible. For this purpose, so far, I have manually been calculating the type scales that might fit. I thought it might be useful to have a tool that could help quickly...
Reverse Type Scale
Find a type scale based on the font sizes you used

Filip Jakobsen
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I know a lot of people (myself included) use plugins for Figma, the built in features in some Adobe apps, etc. But sometimes I find it more convenient to just look up some “lorem ipsum” text to copy from the web. This is our version of an unobtrusive experience for the latter situation. Please feel free to share your first impression or advice on how we might improve it. Thank you so much!
Galorem · “Lorem ipsum” generator
Generate 30 paragraphs of “lorem ipsum” placeholder text ✍️

We made this page because we needed an easy, unobtrusive way to get long “lorem ipsum” text for design mockups, independently of any particular design tool. Shortcuts: Press “D” to toggle dark mode; Press “R” to re-generate the text.
Galorem · “Lorem ipsum” generator
Generate 30 paragraphs of “lorem ipsum” placeholder text ✍️

Filip Jakobsen
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This tool is an experiment, so please let me know if you have any good ideas or advice regarding its future direction. Thank you!

Experimental graphic design tool (desktop only)

A parameter based web tool that lets you create compositions with boxes or emoji. Control the parameters that make a small incremental change for each box or emoji in your layout. Screenshot — or record your screen while moving a parameter — to save your work.

Experimental graphic design tool (desktop only)

Web-app and javascript plugin that generates a color description based on a hex color code. We made this for to have screenreader support for reading out color names on another app.
Color descriptions generated from hex color codes

Filip Jakobsen
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We made this color function to have screenreader support for reading out color names on the web-app (Turn on screenreader and press C when on that site to hear it in action). Once we made it, we thought it might be useful to others, so we decided to share it as a stand-alone web-app and as a javascript-library.
Color descriptions generated from hex color codes

Get a reminder to stand up every hour. We made this to give ourselves an aesthetic, visual reminder to get up and move every hour.
⌨️Space → Start/Pause
⌨️F → Fullscreen
⌨️C → Change colors
⌨️I → Invert colours
⌨️D → Default colors
⌨️O → Outlined icon on/off
Remember to stand 🔼🔼🔼
Visual reminder to stand up once an hour 👀

Filip Jakobsen
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We made this to give ourselves an aesthetic, visual reminder to get up and move every hour. After 50 minutes the triangle points upwards to remind the user to stand up, and the colors change to draw the user’s attention, if they are looking somewhere else. The duration can be changed by changing the number in the url — e.g. by changing remindEvery=50min to remindEvery=30min
Remember to stand 🔼🔼🔼
Visual reminder to stand up once an hour 👀

Easily add lines, guides and grids on top of your entire MacOS — great when comparing e.g. a website UX prototype in one tab or window and the implemented website in another.

Red Lines Tools
Add grids, guides and columns across all Mac apps

Filip Jakobsen
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Stumbled on this on the app store recently and found it very helpful for UI design and UI development, so I thought I would share it.

Red Lines Tools
Add grids, guides and columns across all Mac apps

When the page loads, 1K random names are generated. We made this because we needed a quick way to get a long list of random names for use in UX mockups and UI designs, and the excellent app we normally use — — was offline.
Press D for dark mode.
1000 random names 👤👤👤
Free random name generator for UX mockups and UI designs 🔀

Filip Jakobsen
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We made this page because we needed a quick way to get a long list of random names for use in UX mockups and UI designs, and the excellent app we normally use for this — — was offline.
1000 random names 👤👤👤
Free random name generator for UX mockups and UI designs 🔀