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The coolest way of applying a circular shape to your videos

Florian Oliveira
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Get access to free offers by simply enjoying them in the venue. Your presence, time and collaboration will help the place to attract more clients. Very funny idea, right? :)

Discover bars or restaurants every day enjoying free offers

Discover bars or restaurants every day enjoying free offers

Make private parking garages available for the public.

Florian Oliveira
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funny, smart and useful product xD Congrats
Late Night Snap Hacks
Trick your friends into thinking you're out getting turnt.

Florian Oliveira
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Already downloaded. Waiting for the real opportunity to use it. Good work

Better Notes
Simple notes app that ties notes together with #hashtags

Florian Oliveira
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France, Germany, Portugal and Wales are in the semi-finals of #Euro2016 along with our new app #Footloop! Have fun with this random opinion generator and mock your friends with your infinite wisdom, just a free download away in the #AppStore

Tongue-in-cheek football pundit ⚽️😂

Tongue-in-cheek football pundit ⚽️😂

Florian Oliveira
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Great and important information.

Web Design Trends 2016: The Definitive Guide
Read it all online, or save as a PDF later.