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The Jay & Farhad Show: Uber's Massive Cash Burn Explained
What's going on with Uber

The Jay & Farhad Show: Jason Del Rey
Explaining Walmart's $3 Billion blockbuster deal:

The Jay & Farhad Show: Peter Kafka Tells Farhad Why He's Wrong
Why online live streaming could be bad for cable news.

The Jay & Farhad Show: Joanna Stern
Freaking out over the iPhone headphone jack

The Jay & Farhad Show: Tesla & SolarCity
Elon Musk’s bold plan to merge Tesla and SolarCity

The Jay & Farhad Show: Peter Thiel’s Mission to Destroy Gawker
The case between VC Peter Thiel & Gawker Media

The Jay & Farhad Show: The End of the Era of Optimism
The current negativity in the tech industry

The Jay & Farhad Show: Apple is in a Pickle
Apple's recent earnings report

The Jay & Farhad Show: We're Back!
Jay's new Tesla & how it compares to other vehicles

The Jay & Farhad Show - The Trouble at Nest
Talking about the struggling business, Nest

The Jay & Farhad Show - Startup. L. Jackson and Zombie Startups
The revealing of Startup L Jackson's actual identity

The Jay and Farhad Show - Jay And Farhad Yell At Each Other About Twitter
And Mike Issac talks about Twitter's earnings report

The Jay and Farhad Show - Is Apple Doomed?
Apple and what they need to fix

The Jay and Farhad Show - Chevy's New Electric Car
Alex Davies, Associate Editor at WIRED joins Jay and Farhad

The Jay and Farhad Show - CES!
Jay and Farhad breakdown what CES is all about

The Jay and Farhad Show - The Annual Jay & Farhad Company Of The Year Show
Jay and Farhad end 2015 by picking a co of the year

The Jay and Farhad Show - Peter Kafka
Tells Us What's Happening in the Media Industry

The Jay and Farhad Show - Jessica Lessin, CEO of
Jessica explains the past and future of tech

The Jay & Farhad Show - Startup L Jackson
Startup L Jackson Explains Silicon Valley and Startups