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Maria Formaniuk
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I just love the concept of short and simple guided reflections that @roman_potapenko came up with in Debrief. Mindfulness is what we all want, but when I'm stressed it's only so much stress *management* I can afford. Dropping few lines in a chat sometimes is enough to get out of the stress spiral, and I hope with Debrief more people will get the benefits of self-reflection routine.

Your private reflection space at work, right in Slack

Work rhythm in tech companies is intense. If you get caught up in it, stress accumulates and affects your wellbeing and performance.
Quick debriefs in Slack work wonders, serving both as an analytical tool to your work life and a safe place to vent and relax 🧘

Your private reflection space at work, right in Slack

An app that combines data from CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) sensor with meal photos to help you understand your personal blood sugar patterns, and learn which meals are safe and unsafe for you. For people with diabetes and anyone who wears CGM.

Nutrition advice based on blood sugar data

Forksy Diet is a 6-week program that helps the average individual adopt basic nutritional rules in order to become a more energetic and productive person.

Forksy Diet
AI-powered diet to increase your energy and productivity

А chat bot for tracking calories and eating healthy