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Franco Sun
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I didn't realise one can embed in notion! Just when you think notion cannot be more awesome! This project is gonna be very helpful, thanks!

Apption for Notion
Find & learn Notion friendly embeddable mini apps

Franco Sun
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Can the app mark `today` in habit's detail page and also habit's name?

Build the foundation of your habits in a new and unique way

Franco Sun
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Can someone tell me what's the difference between its knowledge base and a mindmap knowledge base? Thanks

Part knowledge base, part collaboration space ðŸ§

Franco Sun
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Great idea! I may end up moving my system from Evernote here, but need to try for a period of time.
I might need a more comprehensive tutorial on how to use backlog and stuff. Another question is what if multiple milestone has a shared task, or a milestone contributes to multiple lifegoals?

Don't manage projects. Manage your life.

Franco Sun
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Springrole sounds awfully like springroll...which is a Chinese household snack
A LinkedIn alternative on the blockchain