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  • Matthew Fuller

    Matthew Fuller

    Co-founder @ Starburst
    5 points


    Hello -- My name is Matt Fuller and I am a Co-founder at Starburst. At Starburst, we provide the fastest, most efficient data lake analytics platform for data in and around your lake. We unlock the value of data by making it fast and easy to access, no matter where it lives. This includes data on object storage (i.e. Iceberg, Delta, Parquet), relational systems (i.e. PostgreSQL, MySQL), and non-relation systems (i.e. MongoDB, Elastic). Starburst queries data across any database, making it instantly actionable for data-driven organizations. With Starburst, teams can lower the total cost of their infrastructure and analytics investments, prevent vendor lock-in, and use the existing tools that work for their business. For more information: starburst.io



    Maker History

    • Starburst Galaxy
      Starburst Galaxy
      Explore and analyze the data in and around your data lake
      Jun 2023
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntJune 9th, 2023