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I'm launch at least 1 web app a month for 2025 and for January ive created SBA Planner. It generates small business administration focused business plans based on user input so that business owners can secure funding for their new or established businesses.
Some potential additions to the web app:
- adding charts and graphs to the plans
- implementing an agent that can go get the most up to...
SBA Planner
Generate SBA ready business plans in minutes

Create SBA-ready business plans in less than 20 minutes using our AI-powered platform.
With guidance from SBA lenders and example plans straight from the Small Business Administration website we have created a generator that takes you from zero to one.
SBA Planner
Generate SBA ready business plans in minutes

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This is a fun side project that I made. Give it a try and let me know what you think. If people like it I'll add more images.

Test your eye for AI with this guessing game!

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Hi everyone, I'm in the process of updating my portfolio once again and have created a web app specifically for reading palms. And no, we do not store the images lol

Palm Reader
Unveil your life's secrets with a single palm reading

This is a web app created to scan an image of a users palm and come up with a reading based on the lines found.

Palm Reader
Unveil your life's secrets with a single palm reading

Decided to create a side project that allows the user to determine how much money in super chats and super thanks a content creator has generated on a single video, or their entire channel. I am creating projects in order to sharpen my skills as a developer.

Super Snoopr
Check how much $ your favorite YouTuber makes in donations

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Hey guys and gals. I'm updating my portfolio for development work and decided to create a web app for counting donations(superchats and super thanks) on youtube. LMK what you guys think!

Super Snoopr
Check how much $ your favorite YouTuber makes in donations

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Not important to me at all. What is important to me is demand.
I am going to naturally become "passionate" about any subject matter that is making me money.
How important is it to be passionate about the problem your business is solving?
Fernando Pessagno
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I whipped up a tool that allows users to check how much support a youtube content creator has received in the form of super chats and (now) super thanks.
This was mainly for practice as I am trying to get further in my Web Development career.
Check it out!
Share your side-project below 🤩
Jaisal Rathee
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Too much! Im looking to curb how much youtube I watch
How much content do you consume?
Mehmet Kamay
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Warm emailing for b2b biz
What's something you'd never trust an AI to do?
Daniel Engels
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1. Dont just go by followers(fake followers/inactive/etc), different tools show engagement rate, that is more important.
2. Try and price yourself sponsored content by conversions, not likes or time up.
3. Go for smaller but more focused influencers, rather than larger influencers with a less focused audience.
Advice on influencer marketing?
Tolgay Dülger
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How to speak a new language
If we are talking saas, it would be SEO.
If you could learn anything in 1 day, what would it be?
Sveta Bay
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I'm aiming to fix "leaky holes" in my content sites.
Do 30 blog posts
Apply to 50 "secondary" jobs
What are your goals for the month?
Elif Duran
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