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Energized Guy
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Have been s fan of DuoLingo from the beginning! Great addition to an amazing platform. The founder is awesome.. Heard him in the Tim Ferriss podcast awhile back.. He's truly amazing.

Tinycards by Duolingo
The future of learning with flashcards, by Duolingo

Energized Guy
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Love this. Tried to set these up for our site awhile back and literally gave up. THIS ROCKS!

Effin Amazing UTM Builder
Add UTM tags to your links from a Chrome Extension

Energized Guy
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This is definitely a tremendous product! Finally you can alter art based on mood, desire, event, etc! This also can herald a new platform for all kinds of artists!
Electric Objects
Discover and display 15,000 artworks in your home or office

Energized Guy
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I was not inclined to buy a smartwatch b/c I found the design elements pretty lackluster. Given YOUR platform, I now want to buy one!! The fact that you can get so many sleek and artistic designs for the watch enhance not only its look, but it's versatility! I love this idea! Way to go!
Facer 2.0
The most complete smartwatch customization platform ever

Energized Guy
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Of all the podcasts, one of my very favorites is @sacca...but not for the reason that many may think! Yes, his answers are on point and gut-level real on all things 'entrepreneur' ..but one of THEE best clips is his imitation of the voice of God interviewing Tim Ferriss, as he outlines possible relationship barriers for keeping his own blood and urine in fridge! If you missed this,...

The Tim Ferriss Show - with Chris Sacca
Chris Sacca on Shark Tank, building your business & mistakes

Energized Guy
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This podcast is absolutely tremendous! I have been a fan of Tim Ferriss and have become a huge fan of Naval Ravikant as a direct result of BOTH of his 'appearances' on Tim's podcasts. There is so much intriguing, practical and insightful info that is shared during this discussion. Naval is truly as grounded as he is brilliant and his willingness to share pieces of his own journey is very...

The Tim Ferriss Show - Naval Ravikant
Naval Ravikant on happiness hacks & 5 Chimps Theory

Energized Guy
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Hey guys...I love this idea! I did notice that certain images need to meet a "criteria" there any way to amend that, going forward? For example, if one uses the tool on your site to make the image smaller & fit a t-shirt to be able to see all the wording (as in my case), it shows as unable to process the order. My thought? Could you include a tool (download or web based) that would...

Wear your photographs 👕