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Gerry Claps
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Hey everyone - I found myself getting frustrated every week when moving cards in Trello across 10+ lists. So I made a side project over the holiday break to help. It’s a Trello Power-Up called Move to Done. It’s simple (and free!) and at the very least, has helped me build more empathy towards my dev team. Enjoy 😄

Move to Done for Trello
Move cards to a list in one click, not four

Feel like you're making dozens of clicks to send your cards from one list to another? Looking for a way to streamline your GTD process in Trello?
With Move to Done, simply:
- Pick a list
- Every time you click Move to Done, your cards go there

Move to Done for Trello
Move cards to a list in one click, not four

Gerry Claps
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@samharrisofficial - love this app (and all of your work), but if there's one thing I think you could tweak, it's the logo. Any thoughts on making it a little less cluttered? The bottom of the logo has a lot going on in a small amount of space (which looks fine when not a logo, but since it's the first thing you see, every day, it's worth considering).
P.S. Come back to Sydney when you can ❤
Waking Up
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