

159 points
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Record with separate audio & video tracks for professional quality. Simplify your workflow with accurate AI-powered transcriptions. Edit content seamlessly with an intuitive text-based editor right in your studio.
The New Riverside
One place to record, edit & share content with the world
Generate 99% accurate transcriptions using AI — completely free. Get your transcriptions in over 100 languages. Export your files as TXT or SRT for immediate use.
AI Transcriptions by Riverside
AI Transcriptions by Riverside
Free AI Transcriptions: unmatched accuracy in 100+ languages
Riverside has partnered with Anchor by Spotify to offer creators a seamless way to record, edit and distribute high quality video podcasts to millions.

Create with Riverside, publish on Spotify.
Riverside x Anchor by Spotify
Create & distribute your video podcast to Spotify seamlessly
Clips is a way to transform your long-form content into multiple pieces of short-form content. Easily sharable on social media to reach more people with the same effort.

You record once, we help you reach everyone!
Clips by
You record once, we help you reach everyone
Creators this is for you!
Today we launch Riverside 2.0🚀🚀🚀
Make STUNNING podcasts & videos within seconds
Say hello to:
🔤Automatic transcriptions
🎬AI Speaker View
🪄Magic Editor
📱iPhone app
💻Full HD screen-share recordings 2.0
Create stunning podcasts and videos in seconds
left a comment
Great work Pete, looks really slick!
Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome
How 30 developers without CS degrees deal with it
The most reliable tool to record your remote podcast in studio quality with separate audio AND video tracks for every guest. Stream it directly to all your social media channels and best of all let your listeners call in with their questions via video.
Record a radio-like podcast and let your listeners call in🎙