Golden Kitty Awards

Golden Kitty Awards

Golden Kitty Awards are happening Meow!
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Golden Kitty Awards

fARtjacker is the greatest use of augmented reality to date.

AR fart app
Golden Kitty Awards

Dancing Hot Dog Costume is Snap's latest physical product, just in time for Halloween. Now you too can impress your friends and achieve your wildest dreams (probably) as the world's first augmented reality superstar.

Dancing Hot Dog Costume by Snap
Dancing Hot Dog Costume by Snap
An $80 costume inspired by the viral, dancing hot dog 🌭
Golden Kitty Awards

Rainbrow is a game that you play WITH YOUR FACE. Move your eyebrows to control your character. Eyebrows up 😯 -> jump up, eyebrows down 😠 -> jump down.

iPhone X game controlled by your eyebrows 😯😠😯
Golden Kitty Awards
The noise cancelling wearable for your mouth
Golden Kitty Awards
Outcognito Mode
Outcognito Mode
Tweets every website you visit & everything you type
Golden Kitty Awards
AirPod Floss Stickers
AirPod Floss Stickers
Theft proof your AirPods with translucent floss stickers
Golden Kitty Awards

Binky is an infinite feed of random things ("binks") to look at. What will come up next? Cauliflower? Diana Ross? Keep scrolling to find out! It's a social media playground where you can Like, Comment, Re-Bink (whatever that means) and swipe left or right. Everything's private and consequence-free, the way apps should be.

A fake social media app that's better than the real thing
Golden Kitty Awards

Elastic Man is a wacky toy in your browser. Pull, push, poke, and stretch Elastic Man's face for your own amusement.

Elastic Man
A strangely satisfying distraction in your browser
Golden Kitty Awards

Kitty Hawk
A flying car, backed by Google's Larry Page 😳
Golden Kitty Awards

Data Selfie is a browser extension that tracks you while you are on Facebook to show you your own data traces and reveal what machine learning algorithms could predict about your personality based on that data.

Data Selfie
Data Selfie
See how much Facebook really knows about you
Golden Kitty Awards

pplapi is a virtual database of the entire human population. With pplapi, you can easily incorporate human populations in your research, productions, and decisions.

A virtual database of the entire human population 👥
Golden Kitty Awards
Petcube Bites
HD pet camera that flings treats
Golden Kitty Awards
Print A Gif
Turn any gif into a printable flip book
Golden Kitty Awards

DJI Goggles
Control a drone with head movement
Golden Kitty Awards
A solution that acts on your brain to enhance sleep.
Golden Kitty Awards

Moon is the first camera to feature a revolutionary stabilized 360° levitation technology and allows easy integration of modern Smart Home and legacy devices into your personal Internet of Things.

The world's first levitating camera
Golden Kitty Awards
Floating Cloud
A magnetically levitating ambient lamp.
Golden Kitty Awards
The world’s first electric vertical take-⁠off / landing jet
Golden Kitty Awards

Uber Elevate is on-demand, urban air transportation. Vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft will bring far-reaching changes to our cities and our lives—quicker daily commutes, less traffic congestion, and cleaner air around the world. Uber Elevate has already started exploring the barriers we’ll need to overcome to make this a reality.

Uber Elevate
Uber Elevate
The future of on-demand urban air transportation by UBER
Golden Kitty Awards
Personal AI computer for your home. Like JARVIS. 🗣.