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  • Gregg Berretta

    Gregg Berretta

    Builder of made-to-order startups
    14 points


    I run sales, marketing, and business development for a UK-based global private equity firm called XLIO Ventures. Every day, I speak with F500 companies about their needs with a goal to help them purchase "made-to-order" startups. A made to order startup is a startup that was designed to meet the exact tech, team, and timeline requirements of the buyer and only the buyer. The startups are purpose-built for acquisition. Want to scale up some small tech so that it fits well within a F500 mega-corp? That's us. Want to get some "tuck-in" technology or add something just a bit adjacent to your existing tech? That's us. Want to get an amazing team of entrepreneurs to come in and up-skill your existing team? Yeah. That's us.


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking 5
    Gone streaking 5