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Danny Halarewich
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This is an excellent idea! This makes an expensive and complicated process accessible and easy, backed by specialized knowledge + experience by @josh_schachnow and team. Love it.

Visto Qualify
Find the best immigration pathway to Canada for free

Danny Halarewich
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This rules. Love it! I can't believe I've actually been using it for a couple hours now LOL. Great job

Work at Dunder Mifflin
The Office TV show ambient sounds

Danny Halarewich
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Post purchase offers are a super effective strategy for e-commerce merchants, but they're hard to implement right. This native integration with Shopify Checkout looks amazing! Great work @jordangal and team!

CartHook Post Purchase Offers
One-click post-purchase offers for native Shopify checkout.

Danny Halarewich
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Echoing many others here, I’ve found finding a coach to be very time consuming, inconsistent and overall extremely difficult. I’ve made several attempts over the years and have given up each time.
When I heard about Sphere I was about to start yet another search for a coach. I’m so glad I don’t have to go through that horrible manual experience ever again, and can now use Sphere to connect...
Sphere Guidance
An app that powers & scales the magic of coaching 💫

Danny Halarewich
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Awesome job @joshvoydik! It's a great community with a great purpose behind it.

Mindful Humans
Community of makers discovering happiness 😌

Danny Halarewich
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That's heckin cute! Cool idea. I'd recommend collabing with popular cat pages on Facebook (e.g. Meowbox) and Instagram to get a boost of targeted traffic.

Cat Camp
Your cat's favorite accessory since the cardboard box 😺🏕️

Danny Halarewich
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This looks to solve nicely for small businesses that don't have the time/money/inclination to set up and manage a full website. App UI and front-end design look great too!
Nice work 👍

Promo Self Serve
Launch a promotion across the internet in 90 Seconds

Danny Halarewich
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Great idea. Using the meta data debugging tools for each network separately is a pain in the badonk. This is SUPER useful! The previews are awesome.
Will be using this for projects I’m working on for sure.

Website metatag grader. Preview & correct your site today

Danny Halarewich
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Hey there product hunters!
Our team adores great design, so we put together this free eBook with 5 chapters, each from an industry vet. Each chapter has been handpicked for delivering failsafe advice, unconventional knowledge, and above all, results.
Give it a read and let us know what you think!

From Layout to Motion Design
Compilation of contemporary design advice from industry vets

From Layout to Motion Design
Compilation of contemporary design advice from industry vets

Danny Halarewich
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Love the spirit of this @mijustin! Totally in. I intended on getting back to making more this year, so this is perfect.

2016 Maker Challenge
Make more stuff this year

Danny Halarewich
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Thanks for sharing this! Jon's podcast is great.

Hack the Entrepreneur
Stop procrastinating, build a business, do work that matters

Danny Halarewich
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The wrist friendly eCommerce revolution is upon us. Our new solution enables online merchants to offer a seamless shopping experience to Apple Watch users. Wrist eCommerce™ technology takes your website, and optimizes (shrinks it) it for a 1" retina display.

Wrist eCommerce™
Wrist Friendly eCommerce by LemonStand

Wrist eCommerce™
Wrist Friendly eCommerce by LemonStand

Danny Halarewich
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Really cool idea for scrappy founders or startup sales people. Amazing work!

Lukewarm Emailer
Build a list of people on Twitter, reach out w/ a cold email

Danny Halarewich
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Unbounce is an amazing landing page platform, with a terrific company behind it. We use it all the time to validate ideas for new product features, collect leads and for giving away eBooks.
It's super easy to put together a landing page like this one:

The landing page builder for marketers

Danny Halarewich
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We couldn't live without handling our tracking events. It turned our confused jumble of various tracking codes for different APIs into something we don't even think about anymore.
It's so amazing being able to simply toggle on an integration, and immediately see data stream in!
Unless you have many free hours to spend on setting up tracking codes, I highly recommend Segment.

Send your data to 122 analytics + growth tools