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Scalar API References + Swagger Editor, a Free & Open-Source tool that takes your Swagger/OAS file and generates beautiful API references.

Swagger Editor
Beautiful API references from Swagger, OpenAPI spec

Hans Pagel
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I can’t even count how many API’s I’ve integrated and everytime I open a new API documentation I’m surprised they all look like it’s 2011. Time traveling is great, but let’s not travel into the past, let’s travel into the future.
We’ve built an open source API reference generator. You got a Swagger file already? You’ll get a beautiful documentation in less than 30 seconds.

Swagger Editor
Beautiful API references from Swagger, OpenAPI spec

tiptap gives you full control about every single aspect of your text editor experience. It’s customizable, comes with a ton of extensions, is open source and has an extensive documentation. Join our welcoming community and start building cool things!

The headless editor framework for web artisans.

Hans Pagel
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So cool @marcelpociot!

Transform every HTML element on any website to Tailwind CSS

Hans Pagel
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You’re using tiptap, right? Nice! tiptap maintainer here. ✌️

Capture your thoughts and favorite links on the new tab page

Hans Pagel
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Congrats! Awesome idea, amazing execution!
Convert your website to a static site in one click

Hans Pagel
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Using it for, amazing app👌

Send out self-hosted newsletters affordably

Hans Pagel
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Amazing list!

UNeed Frontend
A list of hand-picked tools for front-end developers

Hans Pagel
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I gave it a try and I have to admit I wish I would have come up with this idea. Email testing is so nerv wrecking and this tool makes it a breeze. Thanks @marcelpociot! 👏

Debugging and testing your emails has never been easier.

Hans Pagel
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Hi Marcel! Does this work with Laravel only?

Debugging and testing your emails has never been easier.

Hans Pagel
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BTW We share all our numbers

The missing character search for designers, devs & writers

Hans Pagel
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Hi PH! 👋
I’m a developer, designer and writer and looking for the correct characters has always been a mess. The macOS character view is okay, but I still ended up googling the correct unicode characters. That’s why we made Glyphfinder.
To make it the best glyph search out there we manually tagged 34.000 characters. You can search for words, categories, look-alikes or even colors – you can’t...

The missing character search for designers, devs & writers

We made looking for the needle in the unicode haystack easy. 🔎 Search for words, categories, look-alikes or colors – you can’t do it wrong.

The missing character search for designers, devs & writers

Hans Pagel
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Awesome! Congrats on the launch Ahmed!

A better way to organize and refine ideas.

Hans Pagel
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Would love to get feedback on the landing page!
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 25 November)
Aaron O'Leary
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Hans Pagel
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Hi Product Hunt! 👋
🐌 I had a teacher for IT classes who was really slow with the keyboard (sloth level), but it blew me away when we did pair programming for the first time. His fingers moved slow, but the code somehow magically unfolded with an incredible speed, because he had this one superpower. He knew every single keyboard shortcut in his IDE.
⚡️ Since then I tried to learn shortcuts for...

Unleash your keyboard's superpower

Mouseless caters shortcuts for your favorite apps in bite-sized exercises to you. ✌️
Need to cheat? 👀 Look up a shortcuts within your current app. Works with every app you've ever installed.

Unleash your keyboard's superpower