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    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    Instead of just one person stressing out over where money is being spent, and how much money is coming in, why not let everyone record how much they bring or take? That's Mon. A one-stop money-tracking service for couples, friends, and small businesses.
    Mon✨ for Android
    Mon✨ for Android
    Money-tracking that does not feel like a bummer.
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    started a discussion

    👋 Interested in expense managers? Help me out!

    Hey folk, I'm getting closer to deliver my MVP of Mon, a minimalist recurring expenses manager that helps people enjoy spending their money again. I would really appreciate it if you gave it a try and told me what you think: https://mon-flutter-app.web.app The app is not that ready for widescreen (landscape, desktop) viewing, so I suggest you resize the window to mobile-like width if you're...
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    started a discussion

    Building Mon: Progress Update (June 8th)

    Hey, everyone! I'm founding Mon, a service that helps you manage your money in an experience that does not feel like tax filings and spreadsheets: https://mon.rocks In the past few weeks, I have started to look for ways to make myself as consistent as possible while building Mon. That is why I will be sharing weekly updates of my progress with you, which would help me do just that (along with...
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    started a discussion

    What to build first: Landing page or MVP?

    Hey, I have been having a bit of a struggle lately to determine what should I do. In the past few weeks, I got invested in building the MVP of my idea. I already got a Figma prototype built for most of the core features, but I found it to be too rigid to try with potential users. The thing is, I received feedback from other makers to work on a landing page and "sell first". I already planned...
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    Muhammad Harfoush ✨
    started a discussion

    Does Twitter become too daunting for you sometimes?

    My birthday was 10 days ago, and I decided to make a big (bold) decision: To quit Twitter. Other than the memes, which I truly miss, Twitter was also a source of inspiration and a great networking tool. But I definitely was overwhelmed by it! Yes, the service's nature is too addictive, but what was even worse is how toxic it can get before you even know. It feels to me that everyone is...