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hamza Elyoussfi🇲🇦
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Just Think about it !
With 1/4 price of GPT4 per month you get unlimited photos of outfit with High quality compared to The analysis that GPT4 give
There is no need to Prompt every time you just need to send you photo via telegram .

Top-tier Telegram bot for outfit analysis & fashion tips

Telegram bot gives real time outfit recommendations based on a photo
Unlimited photos per month with a very low price !

Top-tier Telegram bot for outfit analysis & fashion tips

hamza Elyoussfi🇲🇦
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Congrats bro !
built a product that does somehow the same stuff but focus on twitter actually helps you study the mindset of a user with AI and tries to find the degree this user could be a good a potential user then you can generate a cold message to reach him out
If you are interested please contact me here

Coldreach (YC W23)
Find ready-to-buy leads + sound relevant with AI

Copy and paste twitter/X username and enter your business details and you will get an instant percentage that tells you whether it's maybe a potential customer or no.. then you can generate cold message to convince him !

TwitterConnect Pro
validate and convice cutomers on X

hamza Elyoussfi🇲🇦
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Would you want further informations please contact us in

TwitterConnect Pro
validate and convice cutomers on X

hamza Elyoussfi🇲🇦
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Dawn Tales
Morning Stories for Early Risers