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This is Not Allowed showcases "unacceptable" photos and videos. Our mission is to create a space that celebrates sex positivity, enables social activism, recognizes legitimate adult businesses, and reclassifies LGBTQ+ content as regular content.

This Is Not Allowed
A gallery of banned content from our favorite social apps

There are 750K+ creator profiles on OnlyFans, but no way to search for profiles using key terms. OnlySearch connects fans with the types of OnlyFans creators they’re looking for.
Our mission is to help OnlyFans creators get discovered and grow their accounts

A search engine for OnlyFans accounts

Ellie Day
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I'm really happy that I came across both Refind and this new feature. I already use Pocket for reading and saving my favorite articles, but wanted a way to make a mini-newsletter. Well, now I have one!

Newsletters by Refind
The easiest way to email a link digest to your fans

Ellie Day
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I don't normally get into apps like this, but this has been a fun first 30 mins!
Be the biggest fan. Be #FamousAF.

Ellie Day
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I've integrated this into multiple applications that needed simple, yet effective, text editors and it's been great so far! It's especially useful with this plugin that adds multimedia uploads/embedding:

Medium Editor
The dead simple inline editor toolbar

Ellie Day
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As someone who has medications that I need to remember to take, I've tried a few different apps that remind you to take your medicine, but I typically get many notifications, so I often miss the reminders. This approach of sending out more than one notification in a time range seems like a great and distinctive feature. Excited to try it out!

Simple & beautiful medication reminder