Jeremy - The Productivity Co.

Jeremy - The Productivity Co.

@NotionHQ Templates and Expert Guidance
33 points
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Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Awesome idea!
My Book Shelf
My Book Shelf
Organize and track your books in an intuitive way
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Nice looking template! Great job! πŸ‘
Nest is where ideas take flight and find their home
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Really cool looking! Left you an upvote!
Modern Eisenhower Matrix
Modern Eisenhower Matrix
Prioritize your daily task with simplicity and style
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Great product! I upvoted for you! Cheers!
Game Library
Game Library
Control your game library, all games cataloger by platform
+1 comment
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Upvoted! Great job!!
Ultimate Notion Event Planner
Ultimate Notion Event Planner
Masterful events, this Notion event planner away
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Understanding the value of being proficient in the Notion software for effective task management, you realize that gearing up for the Notion Essentials Badge Certification is key. Introducing the Notion Essentials Badge Flashcards, a top-notch Notion resource.
Notion Essentials Badge Flashcards
Notion Essentials Badge Flashcards
Prepare for your Notion certification today
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
This is one awesome tool and is gonna be a game changer! Thanks for making this!
Turn your Notion into an AI chatbot, trained on your pages
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Nice work!! Looks beautiful!
Notion Branding Template
Organize your brand identity easily
Jeremy - The Productivity Co.
Great idea! Loving this template set.
Notion Couple Dashboard & Planners
Sync your lives & deepen your connection with him/he