All activity

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This is what happens when you think of pursuing your idea to completion but never actually launch it to the world.
Big congratulations on the launch and thank you for building something and launching it unlike me that left the same concept midway 2 years back (

Take notes in markdown, review them with spaced repetition

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Great list but it unfortunate that Canada's biggest exclusively HCI research school is not mentioned -
School of Interactive arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University , Vancouver

Top UX School
Find the best UX / HCI master's programs in the world

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I have been a Hashnode lurker for past two months and am the biggest fan of their weekly newsletters .
The whole community over at Hashnode is 'Extremely Knowledgeable & Helpful '
I presume they rebranded as Hashnode for the purpose of becoming more than just a developer magazine .
The concept of nodes and distinct communities is very apparent in their current iteration . The website...

A friendly and inclusive Q&A network for coders

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Jide already impressed me with their Remix Mini and i believe releasing remix OS has been a solid move to prove Androids usability on a bigger screen platform.
For those curious , Remix OS works on top of Android to provide much needed desktop features like a taskbar , resizable window controls and much more .
You can download images which are bootable off USB drives and run them either in...

Remix OS
The next evolution of Android PC

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I have personally met @gauravmunjal and the passion and spirit that has gone into unacademys making is beyond compare. Education in India is seeing a facelift on the digital front and unacademy is a torch bearer i would say .
The new age education needs digital devices as a complementary tool to both the student and the teacher , Unacademy is doing that and anyone on the receiving and sending...

Online source of learning from India with the most apt title

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Hey Ben . To be absolutely honest here , i haven't thought about the ios platform at all as now. The lack of freedom to do it with the same approach seems a big deterrent .
For my use case
In the Morning - I have put up my news app , twitter , and travelling to be exact with the my office routine
Afternoon is for that intermmittent work break i take at my office and seems a perfect time...

Widget to display apps only when you need them in the day

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I would love to know why typography on Android is never a concern for any android dev studio . The app inherently promotes design but the design news feed itself has sub par typography
The app looks convenient for its strict use case. So anyways i am in . but the Product design consultant in me looks for rough edges always

Design Blogs App
You can follow more Design Blogs in one little Android app.

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Some queries here
1. Is this an add on to a bigger online learning platform or does this serve as an utility to put learnt theories to practice ?
2. Sell me a use case for a freelancer working through the internet pile of learning resources and wants to prioritize practical working sets than rote discovery

CodeCode Ninja
Flashcards for programmers