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Personally, I wanted something new, not something like so so, or Instagram-ish for example, hence honestly am sticking to twitter for now!

Share ideas & trends with text

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I like horizon ui designs, they're what a modern design should look like, though if you can add more of tailwind stuff, we would like it more and more!
Horizon AI Template
The world's first ChatGPT AI React admin template

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Hey nice launch, however what if my users don't use whatsapp, wouldn't be better that you guys also have SMS, which I may end up using sparingly now since I have this alternative but am also not cut short of my analog users!

Frictionless WhatsApp login & OTP for NextGen security

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With Chrome we suffer performance and resource usage, am still not yet to get a browser that solves that, something based on rust than v8 instead, will give ulaa a try though but help us with performance for average a bit low spec devices, that's the only reason to beat chrome!

A browser that respects your privacy

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I have been using this setup of useContext and useReducer hooks, it had somehow worked for me, so I was like why not open source this? what do you think?
These Are Handies Of It By The Way:
- A simple and intuitive API
- No boilerplate code or complex setup
- Powerful state management without the hassle of Redux
- Full type safety and TypeScript support
- Excellent performance and...

React Hands
React's Own Hands Touching State The Easiest Way!

Struggling with complex state management libraries?
Meet React Hands, a react state management library purely based on react's built-in hooks to touch your state with ease and say goodbye to the headache of Redux and the confusion of hooks altogether!

React Hands
React's Own Hands Touching State The Easiest Way!

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Good, this could be used by some new react framework someday!

Million.js v2.0.0
An extremely fast virtual DOM - React up to 70% faster

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I loved the new site but truth be told, we all thought react with vite was going to be the new official way to start a react project. Or at least you could have used better tooling to upgrade create react app, like it could use better stuff than being deprecated instead. Meta frameworks like next js are too big and steep to learn for react beginners, I love next js and use it for all my...
The new home for React and its documentation

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Also think about making the thing a Vscode extension if you see the potential in that too!

AI-Powered Mock API Generator
Generate customized, realistic mock data & APIs, via GPT

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Cool, I wish I could add more columns and rows after the table is generated and then I get that for mocking, great tool!

AI-Powered Mock API Generator
Generate customized, realistic mock data & APIs, via GPT

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How accurate is this? But if it's really somewhat accurate, it's nice, it could help even when you have a serious thing where you want people to strictly use their real names!

Is It Made Up?
Is that name Made Up? Let GPT-4 be the judge

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Indeed this is radical!
A radically different networking app

left a comment is everything for me, otherwise, I have a totally different idea of how this should be, fun and more unpredictable yet personalized!

A personalized news feed, by the Instagram founders

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Nice one, I just wish it could learn my interests and style and then tweet on my behalf on schedule, by just rephrasing my previous tweets!

The AI powered tweet assistant

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Hey congrats on the launch, I will try this because it's tailwind + react though that's not so clearly stated in docs anywhere but this is a nice tailwind component lib, will give it a shot, hope it's open source so that we could contribute!

Cleanest, modern and beautiful Tailwind CSS components

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Guys am not gonna say much here, but basically, I have been using this theme myself for months without publishing it until someone told me the previous version is one of their favorites which pushed me to the point to give you guys this update, refreshed, modern and cool.
Am using Firacode IScript font for ligatures by the way and better comments for comment highlighting, all these are shared...

Duotone Theme v2
🌆 Stylish, New, And Dark VSCode Theme!

😉 Hello Hunters!
Introducing Duotone Theme V2 - a sleek and modern dark Visual Studio Code theme, cool to your eyes and made to make your vscode fun again with syntax highlighting for popular programming languages, full ligature and italics support out of the box, and a unique color scheme and design.

Duotone Theme v2
🌆 Stylish, New, And Dark VSCode Theme!

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Hey nice launch, I don't know how troublesome it was to make such a wonderful thing, will give it a try on my next admin dashboard builds, I plan to use supabase and hope there's a way to hook it in or it's under plan, thanks!

Generate powerful admin apps with ease in seconds.