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You give us documents, webpages, or images. And we build a public facing search engine.

Pink Search Engine
We build your very own search engine for $99

Simone Romano
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We build machine learning products for a fixed weekly fee of $199:
We saw that by far the most requested service is a search engine. So we decided to make a product out of it!
This month, we would like to do better outreach to potential customers. We are targeting small companies that want a public facing search engine. We build the search engine, and the company...

Pink Search Engine
We build your very own search engine for $99

Simone Romano
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Hi all!
I wanted to target Google as customer. I didn't know where to start. So, I decided to search for companies that are already partnering with Google.
Then, I thought it could be useful to other people as well. I built a search engine to find who is partnering with your target company.
This is very much a beta version, by my crawlers and scrapers are working non stop to collect more...

Business Partner Link
Find who is working with your target company

Target Google as customer? You should find first who is are already partnering with Google.
This is a search engine to find who is partnering with your target company.
This is a search engine to find who is partnering with your target company.

Business Partner Link
Find who is working with your target company

We build machine learning products to test out your ideas for $199 per week.
Pink Machine Learning
Machine learning products as a service for $199 per week

Simone Romano
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Cool stuff. Finally I don't have to necessarily use python on my laptop to test CLIP!

CLIP Playground
OpenAI's CLIP model in your browser, like GPT-3 for images

Take a picture that shows people, and Emojuju will make its best effort to place emojis on top of their faces.
Swap faces with emojis š

Simone Romano
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Take a picture that shows people, and Emojuju will make its best effort to place emojis on top of their faces.
Emojuju runs completely on your device: your pictures are safe, not sent to any server in [Random Evil Country] .
When you use other social media apps and cover faces, these apps might still store the original picture where faces are visible. You might want to cover faces...
Swap faces with emojis š

Simone Romano
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I cannot access: It would be a cool project. I would love to try it out
GPT-3 Tailwind CSS
OpenAI GPT-3 + Tailwind CSS code generator

Simone Romano
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Hello ššš
I made this tool for indie makers, entrepreneurs, and side hustlers who want to find machine learning product ideas to build. Companies could as well use this tool to identify if there are possible partners or competitors in their same space.
This is a tool to exercise your idea muscle. It helped me to develop mine. I think I will also enjoy to give feedback about machine learning...

Machine learning product list
Machine learning products that are actually making money

Machine learning is cool tech. But not many techniques make it into paid products. Here is a thorough analysis with: š¼ idea behind ML products š° their business model and āļø info about the tech under the hood.

Machine learning product list
Machine learning products that are actually making money

Simone Romano
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I recently tried to do some marketing for my SaaS. I couldn't help but reply to online forums when my product was a possible solution for a problem. I tried many times to slap my hands, my posts would be flagged as self-promotional.
I created a platform where linking your product to online discussions is allowed. In this way, we will not spoil the original discussion. And we will have a...
Linking products to online discussions

Self-promotion is frowned upon in many forums. I created a platform where you can link your product to a discussion online (e.g. in Reddit). In this way, we will not spoil the original discussion, and our product can still get visibility.
Linking products to online discussions

Easily sell a table by plugging in a Google sheet and using a Stripe account

The easiest way to sell a table

Simone Romano
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I had hard times trying to sell a table online (i.e. a list of things organized in a table). I was looking for a platform that:
š° Enabled paying users to easily sign up to my table
š¤ Allowed users to share my table link, but not for free
šØ Allowed me to modify the table even after selling it
I wrote more about it on this...

The easiest way to sell a table