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ildar khakimov
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really well made, good job!
How Much To Make a Logo
Easily calculate the cost of a logo or branding.

ildar khakimov
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That actually looks very cool! Nice UX

Recognize as many coworkers as possible in 30 seconds

ildar khakimov
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just ordered, wish you accepted Paypal..
A super affordable, portable standing desk

ildar khakimov
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The product shows data that goes back to 2012 for about 6 million sites. Compared to Alexa it has better visual graphs and shows historic rankings for sites over 100k rank.

Site Rank Data
Like Alexa, but more historic data and better visuals

Site Rank Data
Like Alexa, but more historic data and better visuals

ildar khakimov
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Think it's a great idea! Just finished watching "Alive Inside" highly recommend it. Has examples of how music can help with aging parents.

A Bittersweet Season
Caring for our aging parents and ourselves