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İsmail Can Karataş
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Socket for Python
Keep your Python code secure and compliant with Socket

İsmail Can Karataş
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Ads Revenue Calculator
Check your potential e-comm revenue from Google Search Ads

İsmail Can Karataş
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Hello Everyone 👋 I'm excited to introduce Dbcopycat to you. Dbcopycat is all about making a developer's job easier by making static json data dynamic.
Dbcopycat allows you to keep data in serverless json file with Nodejs support. Here are some unique features that set dbcopycat apart from the rest:
Pricing and Speed: You can host your database wherever you want and do not pay any fees. It's...

Dynamicizing static json files with Node Js - fast json data

Dbcopycat, making your static json data dynamic - allows you to perform CRUD operations such as creating, reading, updating & deleting the json file. You can do fast operations with dbcopycat. It's so fast that it treats your data as if it were static.

Dynamicizing static json files with Node Js - fast json data