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![Chester How]( is a curated collection of A/B test results from best-in-class apps, powered by Mobbin. It's a growing library of over 50 test results from apps like Headspace, Uber, Blinkist, and Duolingo.
Curated collection of A/B test results
![Chester How](
Featuring over 350k screens, 75k flows, and 1k apps, Mobbin is the world’s largest UI & UX design reference library. With our ever-growing library and ever-improving search capabilities, you’ll never run out of inspiration again.
![Mobbin 2.0](
Mobbin 2.0
Discover real-world design inspiration
![Chester How](
A new home on the internet for micro-interactions, easter eggs, and other seemingly extra design details that infuse life, personality, and fun back into the web.
![Design Spells](
Design Spells
Design details that feel like magic
![Chester How](
Chester How
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Hey folks! 👋 We're really excited to be sharing Design Spells with you today!
Design Spells started in May 2023 as nothing more than an X/Twitter account where we shared "design details that feel like magic". As someone who works at Mobbin, I'm no stranger to the state of design inspiration online. It's so easy today to find UI/UX inspirations that are professional, prim, and proper. But what...
![Design Spells](
Design Spells
Design details that feel like magic
![Chester How](