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Todd Oh
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Well, it's great to see that a 15-year old guy tried to make an interesting thing.
But I honestly don't really feel like there's any perks of using this framework. Even if you are not willing to use heavy-loaded frameworks like React, there are some other lightweight libraries these days. Or could make a simple structure for your own using jQ/Vue or custom Routers/VC model with rendering...
The next generation MVC JavaScript framework 🛠️
Todd Oh
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This is awesome, something I wanted so badly for years! It just works as it says. Great job done, man!
Find the right Emoji with a quick sketch, from any iOS app
Todd Oh
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Also more about the stories behind this project on The Daily Pennsylvanian:
Have your own newsroom, we prepare news for you.
Todd Oh
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Hey guys, we all know that thousands of news articles are published everyday, however, we can't read all that. #Newsrooms attempts to help you follow up on the issues in which you are interested and find other important news stories of which you were unaware.
Moreover, #Newsrooms attempts to fight the biased nature of journalism today, so every algorithm used for #Newsrooms is completely blind...
Have your own newsroom, we prepare news for you.
Have your own newsroom, we prepare news for you.