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  • Ivaylo Shirokanski

    Ivaylo Shirokanski

    9 points
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    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    started a discussion

    Grammarly for facts - opinions needed

    I am thinking about building a Grammarly for facts. Imagine a product where you can fact check what you have written. You can use documents or the internet as the source of truth. The AI can respond with a degree of confidence and can suggest adding information/changing information based on some sources. Any feedback would be appreciated. Would you use something like this?
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    left a comment
    AI Assisted Reading
    Describe your product in three words!
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    started a discussion

    AI Reading app - looking for focus group

    Hi, I am working on an AI reading app and I am looking for people who read a lot as part of their work. I would like to conduct some customer interviews and learn more about the problems you are facing as well as see whether my existing solution can help. Any advice would be more than appreciated :)
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    left a comment
    Very interesting! Thank you.
    Lisa Dziuba
    How to sell a startup (from my own experience)
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    left a comment
    That's a really interesting idea! Good luck :)
    Mock Interviews by Talently.ai
    Prepare for any job interview with our AI interviewer
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    started a discussion

    How many products can I launch on PH at the same time?

    Hi, Can I launch multiple products on Product Hunt? I have a few ideas I would like to test. :)
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    left a comment
    good luck :)
    Rose lee
    💯 Exciting news: Saner.ai is launching on Product Hunt on February 25!
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    left a comment
    I really like the idea :) Great job!
    AdGen AI
    Create 100+ high performing ad variations with AI
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    started a discussion

    Can I launch to PH with just a website showing the idea

    Hi, I am new to Product Hunt and I want to see whether my idea for a start-up is worth building. Can I launch on Product Hunt with just a website that describes the concept and shows a video of how the platform might work? I would like to see whether people find the idea itself valuable. Do you think that this is the right platform for this? Any advice would be more then appreciated. The...
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    started a discussion

    AI Reading Platform for work and school: Need of advice on a new product

    Hi everyone, My name is Ivo and I am a first time entrepreneur. My team and I are working on an AI platform that helps people read faster and find the relevant information quicker. We are targeting people who read as part of their work or studies. Do you guys think its a problem worth solving? How do we validate our idea? Any comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated.