Jack Smith

Jack Smith

Founder and builder of everyday apps.
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Jack Smith
Ready to quit nicotine? NicClear builds you a personalised reduction plan, tracks your progress, keeps you accountable, and cheers you on every step of the way. Take control of your health and stop wasting money. Your path to a nicotine-free life starts now!
Break Free from nicotine addiction
Jack Smith
BrainDeck's AI turns your notes into custom flashcards in seconds. Access pre-made decks or generate your own. With gamified study sessions and a scheduler to keep you on track, BrainDeck makes learning efficient and fun. Perfect for exam prep and revision!
Stack Knowledge with AI Flashcards
Jack Smith
Jack Smith
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Looks awesome, love the screenshots!
Your daily dose of wisdom from the best books
Jack Smith
Quotable turns words into art. Find inspiration in our extensive quote library, and easily turn any quote into a beautiful text-art design. Use your designs as iOS widgets, wallpapers and more.
Turn quotes into stunning widgets and social posts