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Jack Reichert
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Clipisode is a great example of a product that removes the unnecessary technical complexities behind creating giving the creator the headspace to focus on the actual creation. Congratulations Brian on the launch!
Make video shows with your fans — just by sharing a link.
Jack Reichert
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I have no hardware skills and I'm pretty sure I can wrangle something like this for less than $100 using other products.
Floating Cloud
A magnetically levitating ambient lamp.
Jack Reichert
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This looks great for keeping tabs on people you're responsible for. Wish I hiked more. 🤔
Off-grid GPS tracking, messaging & SOS
Jack Reichert
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I have the DIY desk and my S.O. one of the prebuilt. Both are great and we love them. The company has been really responsive with all our inquiries. If you're considering a product of theirs, go for it.
SmartDesk mini by Autonomous
$249 Electric height adjustable standing desk w/ memory pad
Jack Reichert
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We recently got one of these. They provide a beautiful experienceand punch well above their price-point.
I saw some earlier complaints about delivery times, I can confirm that they have gotten past those issues. Our desk came without delay and we love it.
Autonomous Sit-to-Stand Desk
$299 Electric height adjustable standing desk w/ memory pad
Stanley Fischer on U.S. Monetary Policy
If you ever wanted an inside view of the Fed..
Jack Reichert
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I'll look forward to reading that too. +1 on the beer
So You Want to Start a Brewery?: The Lagunitas Story
Not all startups are tech, yet the story rings just as true.
Jack Reichert
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There are a lot of tech startup inception stories submitted here, I personally eat them up. What I found unique about this book was how similar the stresses, successes, and tribulations were for Magee. His voice, is a riot to boot, which makes it overall an enjoyable and educational read.
So You Want to Start a Brewery?: The Lagunitas Story
Not all startups are tech, yet the story rings just as true.
So You Want to Start a Brewery?: The Lagunitas Story
Not all startups are tech, yet the story rings just as true.