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Dalton Fowler
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reddit meets mtv.. so my assumption is that it's ppl posting their music videos to a forum & those w/ upvotes go to the top. I think picking your tagline is all about ensuring it gets an accurate message across to as many as possible. If ~30% of ppl make the wrong assumption about what your product is after reading the tagline, that's a problem that needs to be addressed
How did you decide on your product hunt tagline?
Joel Loyol
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Dalton Fowler
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Happy Holidays, Hunters!
I'm really excited to share the latest major release of Giftata with you, & we really appreciate the hunt @kevin
We started Giftata because we noticed how easy it is spend a lot of time searching for gifts yet be unable to find the 'right' gift. It’s hard to have confidence when all the blogs just promote affiliate products, retailers push sponsored listings...
Giftata 2.0
A free, fast, & simple way to always find the right gift

Giftata helps you save time and build stronger relationships through highly accurate gift recommendations 🎉
🚀 Get started in a minute
🛒 Browse products from retailers you're already familiar with
🎁 Find gifts specific to the person you're shopping for
Giftata 2.0
A free, fast, & simple way to always find the right gift

Dalton Fowler
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interesting but can easily be a scam - without any trace of social proof or verification of real people paying, you could simply 'outbid' any real players with a random name that links nowhere (just as the current 'leader' Trikz currently links nowhere). Also, why in the world would a random person pay $23 to have their nonsensical username on the leaderboard? Here's how it works. Real person...
Be richer than anyone (as long as nobody pays more than you)

Dalton Fowler
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Truly incredible product, intuitive, and a wonderful example of gamification done properly!

Jumbo Privacy 2
Take back control of your data

Dalton Fowler
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I was hoping this would work, but I must say the data is not clean. I have a list of 850+ angels, incubators, no equity accelerators, VC firms, & PE firms in airtable and just comparing notes I was unable to find any use from your website.
Incubator List
Curated list of 400+ startup accelerators, incubators & VCs

Dalton Fowler
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It was the holiday season and I scoured the internet in search of the perfect gifts for my parents and siblings. I wanted to be thoughtful and give each of them gifts that made them feel known, but in my search for the perfect gifts, all I came across were general categories (“for her”), ‘sponsored’ recommendations, paid ad placements, and totally tacky gift ideas.
There’s no better feeling...
Giftata: AI-Driven Gift Curation
Reminders + AI to suggest the perfect gift

Our mission is to bring the joy back to giving and receiving gifts. We're using AI to recommend products that would make the perfect gift for the exact person you need the gift for, based on several granular data points.
Giftata: AI-Driven Gift Curation
Reminders + AI to suggest the perfect gift

Dalton Fowler
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As we've continued to form new partnerships with additional businesses, we're now offering a "Build your own Care Package" option
Care Packages by Giftata
Find essentials while supporting at-risk small businesses

Dalton Fowler
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Hi Everyone! A few weeks ago we launched our mobile app Giftata: The best gift ideas and today we released Care Packages by Giftata in order to help support local boutique & artisanal businesses that were forced to close during this pandemic.
I'm very new to Product Hunt so still trying to figure out how to launch well! Any feedback on our product, Product Hunt launch, or profile is...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 6th of April)
Aaron O'Leary
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We've partnered with local boutique and artisanal businesses that were deemed non-essential and have been forced to close. We're including products from these local businesses in our care packages, along with difficult to find essentials. Proceeds go to 501c
Care Packages by Giftata
Find essentials while supporting at-risk small businesses

Dalton Fowler
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Really proud of all the hard work that went into this project my team has been working on -
In a little more than 48 hours we built and launched this website, sourced local vendor partners from artisanal markets that were forced to close, and ordered all of our care package contents + gift boxes & supplies.
Creating thoughtful gift boxes in-house was always something we were interested in...
Care Packages by Giftata
Find essentials while supporting at-risk small businesses